API reference

The API is designed to allow a business to create, send or schedule an 'invoice' campaign and securely store customer information using just two simple API calls. A detailed set of Report APIs will then help your business to stay informed in realtime on the status of active campaigns and transaction details, in addition to many other valuable insights about your customers such as behavioural and preference data.



Every request to Glider must have a Bearer token that is used to authenticate you to the API
and assign your request with the correct account.

Your account manager will provide you two sets of keys to:

  • authenticate your application (client_id and client_secret)
  • authenticate the user (username and password)

The second set of keys can be easily updated and enabled or disabled from Glider interface.

The authentication/authorisation process is powered by the Glider API, in adherence with the latest standards of the oAuth2.0 protocol.


All requests (excluding the Authentication API) must include the following header:

Authorization: Bearer <token here>

Content types differ according to the API request: a multipart/form-data will be required when uploading a file in your request,
otherwise application/json will be required.


Content-type: <type here>


HTTP status response

The following list identifies the most common responses you will encounter. They respect the JSON API v1.0 format.

Status CodeTitleDetails
200OKthe request was successful
201Createdthe request was successful and a new resource was created
204Modifiedthe request was successful and a resource was modified
400Bad Requestthe request could not be understood or was missing required parameters. Check the reason in the body response.
403Unauthorizedauthentication failed or user does not have permissions for the requested operation. Check the API token is correct.
404Not Foundthe resource was not found. This could be caused by a non existent ID.
500Internal Server Errorcontact [email protected] attaching your API request and customer_id

Body Response

All Glider responses are in JSON format, successful responses are described in a single API paragraph.
Body error responses have the same structure, as exampled below:

HTTP <error code> <error title>
   "error": "<error message details here>"