API reference

Returns a range of valuable customer insights and trends concerning revenue collected from your Glider campaigns within a specific date range.

Start and end date must be in the following format YYYY-MM-DD and they will be compared with the batch creation time and transaction process time. All dates are in UTC timezone.

startDateInitial date where the query will start2017-10-10
endDateFinal date where the query will end2017-11-11

API response values are described in the table below:

requestedTotal amount (in dollars) of invoices requested1189956.94
requested_noNumber of invoices requested114
requested_trendPercentage trend of the amount (in dollars) of invoices requested-35
requested_no_trendPercentage trend of the Number of invoices requested41
collectedTotal amount (in dollars) of successful transaction (or invoice collected)36271.69
collected_noNumber of successful transaction (or invoice collected)18
collected_trendPercentage trend of the Total amount (in dollars) of successful transaction (or invoice collected)21
collected_no_trendPercentage trend of the Number of successful transaction (or invoice collected)100
plansTotal amount (in dollars) of registered plans14053.25
plans_noNumber of registered plans3
plans_trendPercentage trend of the Total amount (in dollars) of registered plans-76
plans_no_trendPercentage trend of the Number of registered plans-62
outstandingTotal amount (in dollars) of invoices yet to be paid1153685.25
outstanding_trendPercentage trend of the above value-36
avg_transactionAvg transaction (in dollars) of paid invoices2015.09
avg_transaction_trendPercentage trend of the above value-76
popular_timeMost popular hour when transactions are made6AM
popular_dayMost popular weekday when transactions are madeMonday
sms_creditsNumber of SMS credits used106
link_creditsNumber or Link credits used46
email_creditsNumber of email credits used70
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!