API reference

Given a date range (start and end date time) returns the list of all the payment plans that have been saved.
This API will return tokenised credit / debit card or bank details information to be used to set up a payment plan on your payment gateway portal.

Start and end date must be in the following format YYYY-MM-DD and they will be compared with the payment plan creation time. All dates are in UTC timezone.

startDateInitial date where the query will start2020-10-10
endDateFinal date where the query will end2020-11-11
  • Parameters
    • startDate (required, string, 2020-10-10) ... start date YYYY-MM-DD format.
    • endDate (required, string, 2020-10-20) ... end date YYYY-MM-DD format.

/ instalment.json / {dateRange} [GET]

Api response contains the total number of record and the details of each transaction in the following format

    count: 2
    data [ ... ]

Described below are the instalment object details:

idPayment Plan unique identifier1
invoiceIdInvoice unique identifier30328
startDatePlan starting date2020-09-03 00:00:00
frequencyPlan frequencyweekly
frequencyValuePlan frequency value (e.g.: value-unit)7-days
amountInstalment amount20
lastAmountLast instalment amount3
totalAmountTotal invoice amount1823
noOfInstalmentsNo. of instalments92
paymentMethodPlan payment method (bank or card)card
ccHolderNameCredit / Debit Card holder nameJohn Doe
ccTypeCredit / Debit Card issuerVisa
ccTokenisedCredit / Debit Card Token number9657838309933158
ccMaskedCredit / Debit Card masked number424242******4242
ccExpMCredit / Debit Card Month expiry time10
ccExpYCredit / Debit Card Year expiry time2020
bankAccountNameDirect Debit account nameJohn Doe
bankBsbDirect Debit BSB084324
bankAccountNumberDirect Debit account number123456
paymentMethodDetailsAdditinoal payment method details``
planRateInterest Rate3.5
planMaxTermPlan Max term (in years)5
paypalPayerIDPaypal payer ID15654695
paypalTokenisedPaypal payer topkenised payment methodabcdef1234567890
paypalFirstNamePaypal payer first nameRyu
paypalLastNamePaypal payer last nameJordan
paypalEmailPaypal payer email address[email protected]
createdPayment Plan creation time2022-09-02 07:22:26
updatedPayment Plan update time2022-09-02 07:22:26
accountNameInvoice account nameRyu Jordan
accountNumberInvoice account numberSCJ123456
contactInvoice contact details+61432558411
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!