API reference

Returns extended details of invoice and transaction status given an invoice Id

An invoice number identifier must be specified in the API request, this can be obtained
while creating a new Glider Batch or from a separate Report API.

invoiceIdInvoice number identifier114

API response values are described in the table below:

invoiceIdInvoice identification number114
batchIdBatch identifier number50
accountNameAccount name related to the invoice.John Doe
accountNumberAccount number related to the invoice.ABCD1234567
contactRecipient contact details (email address, mobile number or empty for link channel)+61432555666
invoiceStatusCurrent status of the invoicepaid, partially_paid, not_paid, registered, refunded, partially_refunded
urlInvoice unique urlhttps://pay.gliderpay.com/6VBJJV
expirationDateInvoice expiry time2021-05-16 09:03:57
visitsNumber of visit events4
lastVisitDate time of the last invoice visit event2017-11-14 01:35:33
approvedTransactionsNumber of approved transactions1
declinedTransactionsNumber of declined transactions1
lastTransactionDate time of the last recorded transaction2017-11-14 01:40:33
totalTransactionsAmountTotal amount of the last transaction94
receiptEmailCaptured email address from a receipt request[email protected]
receiptDateDate time of a receipt request2017-11-14 01:45:33
createdInvoice data time creation2017-11-14 01:45:33
updatedInvoice date time last update2017-11-14 01:45:33
handlerInvoice handlerbot 1223
attachmentInvoice attachment
customLabel1Invoice custom label 1
customValue1Invoice custom value 1
customLabel2Invoice custom label 2
customValue2Invoice custom value 2
customLabel3Invoice custom label 3
customValue3Invoice custom value 3
planAmount(if instalment) user amount plan selection
planFrequency(if instalment) user frequency plan selection
planStartDate(if instalment) user start date plan selection
planRate(if instalment) plan interest rate
planEnabledflag to define if the invoice has been resolved as a plan / instalment0
channelinvoice notification channel{mobile, email, link}
transactionsObject with each single transaction details[]
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